Alex Lim Empowering Realtors
As our real estate industry faces relentless changes and upheavals, leadership becomes ever more important to lead everyone in times of constant change. So what are the hallmarks of a good leader?
We interview Alex Lim, ERA Executive Director of Agency, Preeminent Group Co-founder & Real Estate Business Mentor & Trainer, for his wisdom in relation to our theme for the Asia Pacific Business Conference – #RiseToLead – here’s what he says:
What does being a good leader mean to you?
[Alex Lim]: A good leader is one who is mission driven, who inspires growth, imparts wisdom and empowers people to achieve their goals.
How do you maintain great personal performance when you are leading a big team of real estate associates?
[Alex Lim]: The strategy is in learning how to leverage on the various trainings and sales platform available by our group and ERA. By leveraging on the strengths of the different platforms, it will be easier to strike the right balance between personal sales and management.
As busy as you are, how do you find time to coach and care for your people?
[Alex Lim]: Many leaders fail to realise that leadership is not a one-man show, it also requires us to empower other leaders in the team to rise up to take charge. Coaching and caring for associates doesn't have to come from me alone, it comes from our team mates too. It is this positive, dynamic and supportive culture which nurtures everyone in the team to grow together and win together.
What is the biggest obstacle you've had to conquer in leading your team? Is there anything you would do differently?
[Alex Lim]: My biggest challenge is in Uniting the team towards a common goal. Everyone in the team is unique. Often, there have different directions on how to run day-to-day operations. But, over the years, I am glad we managed to find our common goal of empowering more realtors. Now with a unified team, many of our leaders and associates have benefited greatly and are performing better in sales and team building. We have turned our goal into our lifelong Mission.
What's the best advice you'd give to someone who wants to rise up and lead?
[Alex Lim]: I lead and grow my team with the five core R.I.G.H.T values. RESPECT everyone’s individuality. INTEGRITY, do what is right and with the right ethics. GROWTH, embark on a journey of continuous learning and growth in the people. HAPPINESS, celebrate all successes, no matter how small it may seem. TRUST, always trust that everyone in the team is doing the best they can.
Sophia Ng (One of ERA's youngest and fastest growing Division Director) & Jazz Kee (East Coast Realtor, ERA top achievers awards) can attest to Alex’s dedication to his role as a leader. Having worked closely with Alex over the years, and here’s what they have to say about his dedication:
What attracted you to join Alex’s team in the beginning?
[Sophia Ng]: I saw Alex’s values aligned very closely with mine. People in the team are very supportive and therefore able to learn from one another. He is also extremely committed to our Mission and passionate in building our dream team together to support, grow and empower more realtors.
[Jazz Kee]: I first met Alex when he was only 26 years old. By then he was already a very successful young chap. I could see his business acumen and passion for real estate. He's always willing to take risks and explore opportunities. After witnessing his willingness, his vision and determination to succeed, I knew he’s the right person to follow.
What do you think is Alex’s best leadership quality?
[Sophia Ng]: Alex is a patient and supportive leader. He’s never complacent, and he’s always learning. Sometimes I feel that he talks about work even when he eats and sleeps! He is focused on empowering realtors and is what Simon Sinek describes as a good leader -- Leaders Eat Last.
[Jazz Kee]: His best leadership quality is constantly upgrading himself so he can impart his skills to train us. He’s a very knowledgeable leader and will go all out to acquire new knowledge.
What was the most impactful advice or gesture that Alex’s ever given or done for you?
[Sophia Ng]: Alex constantly gives me advice in anticipating challenges while growing my team. As a leader myself, it really helps me to be able to think strategically and helps me navigate in anticipation of the unknown.
[Jazz Kee]: The best advice from Alex is that he encouraged me to start my own team, something I’ve been contemplating for a few years. He’s quite persistent in pushing me to where I need to grow. Thanks to him I have a small team of associates with me now, and I'm looking forward to growing my team.
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