Sophia Ng Millennial Leadership
As our real estate industry faces relentless changes and digital transformation, leadership becomes ever more important to lead everyone in times of constant change. So what are the hallmarks of a good leader?
We interview Sophia Ng, one of ERA’s youngest and fastest growing District Division Director, for her wisdom in relation to her recent promotion as a millennial leader – #RiseToLead – here’s what she says:
What does being a good leader mean to you?
[Sophia Ng]: I quote Simon Sinek, “Leaders are the ones who are willing to give up something of their own for us. Their time, their energy, their money, maybe even the food off their plate. When it matters, leaders choose to eat last.” — That is to me, the epitome of a good leader.
How do you maintain great personal performance when you are leading your team of real estate associates?
[Sophia Ng]: Proper time management! Apply Eisenhower’s Matrix! I can go on and on about time management — I’ve actually written a lot about time management in my book! 😛 (Get my book 'From Believing To Becoming' here now)
As busy as you are, how do you find time to coach and care for your people?
[Sophia Ng]: Again, time management! — But I’d like to say, I have a lot of passion and the heart for my people; I’ll naturally find and make time for them.
What do you think are the secrets to succeed as a new agent?
[Sophia Ng]: Believe in yourself that you can achieve whatever you want to achieve, but recognise that real estate career is not a “get rich quick scheme”. You need to spend a lot of time LEARNING, and sharpening your axe to ADD VALUE to people around you — become the real estate consultant that you’d want to engage. From Believing to Becoming 😉
What's the best advice you'd give to someone who wants to rise up and lead?
[Sophia Ng]: Hang out with great leaders and learn from them! Alternatively, read books that improves your leadership skills!
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